It has been a while since my last post, but I would say the time is right to say something. We are all going through a difficult period at the moment. Watching the news, there is one topic dominating all over the world. COVID-19 has developed to a pandemic that is challenging our health system, our economy and our society. There is no escape and it is impossible to tell how long and intense this will be.
Many of us are restricted in their traveling, some of us are not even allowed to leave the house and some are sick from the virus. But we all share the fact that we are in this together, and we will get through this together. Our technology helps us to stay in contact with our loved ones, even if they are miles away, the internet is the ultimate source for connection and we all have a chance to see this period as an opportunity. We spend more time with our families, face other challenges and maybe have more space to think about what is really important in life. Our planet gets some kind of a break from the worst pollution and we suddenly notice how much we need physical contact to other people.
At the end of the tunnel there is a light and we will for sure appreciate togetherness on another level, when we finally can meet, talk, shake hands, hugg and embrace a gathering of many people.
Stay focused and plan your days well. Stay organized and don’t give in. Stay strong and healthy. Stay in touch with people. Stay who you are.