Interaction is an art. This was my message to the crowd at Lederdagen for Næringslivets Skole i Oslo.
The key to do something extra ordinary is interaction inside a team. A common goal and a vision that is bigger than a single person’s interest and motivation is the basis. Norway has the vision of becoming the worlds most important ski jumping nation. This we want to reach with respect, humbleness and joy as our main values in the process.
Coaches and staff in the national team have the partial goal of helping athletes to reach exceptional results in international competitions. The way to get there is hard work over long time, knowing the sports distinctivness and a high level of shared knowledge inside the team. Everybody is working for the common goal by subordinating his or her personal goals and accepting the fact that one is only a small part of something bigger. This mindset helps developing a spirit and an interaction that can increase the effectivness to an exceptional level. We no longer talk about action, we talk about interaction under premisses of trust, appreciation and a shared love for the challenge.
A symphonic orchestra is maybe one of the best examples for interaction. Around 60 musicians create an atmosphere for the listeners that is touching. The art of playing together in order to communicate a feeling is an ambitious goal. It is not about the individual perfection but the perfection as a team. Every member is important for the whole. The musician has to know the position of his instrument in a hirarchy of an orchestra. The individual has to follow the stream and match his nature of playing to his instrument group. The instrument group has to adjust to the other groups ensuring a balanced output. With deep understanding of the desired effect the orchestra proceeds in a dynamic steady state (flow) that distinguishes a well played symphony from an epic experience for everyone.