Team Work is an interesting subject in Sports as well as in business. How do you get the maximum of productivity of a group of people working together? How can the individual top performance fit into a good working atmosphere?
Well, it is important that every single team member subordinates his personal interest to the common goal. A successful team manages to keep up an atmosphere of productivity, competitiveness and self reflection. There are many tools used in sport surroundings that can be helpful in a business setting. Therefore I held a short presentation for Modum Sparebank‘s employees on how to work together with motivation, drive and commitment in a healthy organizational culture that reflects positive values, ideas and behavior. It was nice to share some thoughts around this topic with people who are looking for an inspiration from outside. I was surprised how many there are in a bank, because usually you only see those working at the front desk. …a bit like in our sport, where there are many dedicated people working in the background to make things happen.